IP2017 Program  12 – 13 October, 2017

“Success Stories: From Lab To The Market"

12 October, Thursday

08:30 - 09:15 Registration
09:15 - 10:00 Welcome Speech Prof. Mehmed Özkan, Rector Boğaziçi University, Istanbul
  Keynote Speech Ragıp Balcıoğlu, CCO Arçelik, Istanbul
  Opening Remarks Dr. Faruk Özlü, Republic of Turkey Minister of Science, Industry & Technology, Ankara
10:00 - 11:30 1st Panel, “International, Regional & National Strategies of Public Institutions on The Role of TTOs in Enhancing Academic IP Commercialization on International, Regional and National Scale”
  Chair: Ebru Tan, Director Koç University TTO, Istanbul
  Prof. Habip Asan, President Turkish Patent & Trademark Office (Turk Patent), Ankara
  Enrique Molina Galán, Director at European Patent Office (EPO), Amsterdam
  Michal Svantner, Director Department for Transition and Developed Countries (TDC), World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Geneva
  Piyush Unalkat,  Head of Technology Transfer Investments at European Investment Fund (EIF), Luxembourg
  Prof. Ahmet Arif Ergin, President, The Scientific & Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), Ankara
  Prof. Orhan Aydın, Audit Board Member, Council of Higher Education (YÖK), Ankara
11:30 - 12:00 Coffee Break
12:00 - 13:30 2nd Panel, “The Mindset & Behaviours That Support Or Inhibit The Successful Exploitation Of Innovation and Entrepreneurship”
  Chair: Davis Farmer Royal Ullysess Advisory Group, Boston
  Arda Karaduman, Director, Strategy and Commercial Operations, Chrondel Ventures, Lausanne
  Leyla Alaton, Alarko Alvimedika, Istanbul
  Elmira Bayraslı, New York University, New York
  Nir Ben Lavi, Global Director of Innovation, Adizes Institute, Tel Aviv
13:30 - 14:30 Lunch Break
14:30 - 16:00 3rd Panel Success Story “GlakoLense – Boğaziçi University”
  Chair: Murat Akman BU-TTO, Istanbul
  Arda Deniz Yalcinkaya, Inventors Team, GlakoLense, Istanbul
  Khalid Mentak, Consultant, CEO Tenon Medical, Inc., San Francisco
  Gökhan Güner, Investor ACT, Istanbul
  Hande Hançar Çelik, Partner, Gün + Partners, Istanbul
16:00 - 16:30 Coffee Break
16:30 - 18:00 4th Panel Success Story “Mikro Biyosistemler Inc. - Middle East Technical University”
  Chair: Prof Ahmet Yozgatlıgil, Middle East Technical University, Ankara
  Prof. Haluk Kulah, Co-Founder and CEO Mikro Biyosistemler Inc., and Middle East Technical University, Ankara
  Altan Küçükçınar,  Investor DCP, Istanbul
  Nur Yıldırım, Product Designer, Designnobis, Ankara
  Ceren Aslan, IP Commercialization  Expert, ODTU TTO, Ankara
18:00 Cocktail & Dinner Across Bosphorous by Boat Sponsored by ODTUTEKNOKENT (This social event is for panelists and sponsors only)

13 October (Friday)

08:30 - 10:00 5th Panel University IP Policies “WIPO Department for Transition & Developed Countries”
  Chair: Michal Svantner, Director Department for Transition and Developed Countries (TDC), World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Geneva

Mohammad Alhabbal, Consultant, TDC, WIPO, Geneva

  Prof Hanna Stakheyeva, IP Council Boğaziçi University, Istanbul

Nadira Badalbayli,  Copyright Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan,  Head of Registration of Works and Legal Department (team leader), Baku


Gunduz Karimov, Baku State University,  Assistant Professor of Civil Procedure and Commercial Law Department, Baku 


Aliyeva Konul, Head of Scientific Research Department, Azerbaijan University of Architecture & Construction, and European Commission, Baku State University, Baku


Maya Evdokimova, Head, Center for Scientific Work and International Cooperation, Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property, Moscow

  Ekaterina Shekhtman, Managing Partner, INCO Ltd, and Senior Lecturer at Novosibirsk State University
  Oleksiy Shanchuk, Chief Expert, European Integration and International Cooperation Division, State Intellectual Property service of Ukraine, Kiev
10:00 - 10:30 Coffee Break
10:30 - 12:00 6th Panel Success Stories “Israeli Experience”
  Chair: Nava Swersky Sofer IDCBeyond,  Herzliya
  Tamar Raz, CEO  Hadasit Medical Research Services and Development Ltd., Jerusalem 
  Jimmy Levy, Founder Al Bawader Capital & Galil Software, Tel Aviv
  Ailon Michaely, Angel Investor, Member Board of Directors at Galil Software, and Hebrew University, Jerusalem
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch Break
13:00 - 14:30 7th Panel Success Stories “USA Experience”
  Chair: Christopher R. Noble, Director of Corporate Engagement Environmental Solutions Initiative MIT and AUTM Board of Directors. Boston
  John Christie, Executive Director, Office of Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property Development, Tulane University, New Orleans
  Corine Farewell, Director, Office of Technology Commercialization, The University of Vermont, Vermont
  Satish Rao, Associate Director, Columbia Technology Ventures, Columbia University, New York
14:30 - 15:00 Coffee Break
15:00 - 16:30 8th Panel “Legal Matters and The New IPR Law 6769 in Turkey”
  Chair: Prof. Işık Özer, Faculty of Law, Özyeğin University, Istanbul
  Prof. Fazilet Vardar, Vice President ÜSİMP | University Industry Cooperation Centres Platform, Izmir
  Aycin Balcıoğlu, Attorney at Law at The Directorate of Legal Affairs, TÜBİTAK, Istanbul
  Önder Özden, Attorney at Law Özden & Güçlü Legal, Istanbul
  Kadir Kurtuluş, Co-Founder Copyrobo, Istanbul
16:30 - 17:00 Coffee Break
17:00 - 18:30 9th Panel “Patent Evaluations”
  Chair: Timuçin Bilgör, BUBA, Istanbul
  Neda Ozen Soydan, Intellectual Property Solutions (IPS), Istanbul
  Victor Zhukov,  Intellectual Property Specialist, Middle East, Africa and Russia/CIS, Clarivate Analytics, London
  Gamze Sart, Owner Abainnolab, and Director of Intellectual Property & Licensing, Istanbul University, Istanbul
  Alex Tame, Managing Director Coller IP, London
19:00 Closing Remarks
  Prof. Ayşın Baytan Ertüzün, Vice Rector Boğaziçi University, Istanbul
19:30 Farewell Dinner at BUMED sponsored by BUBA (This social event is for panelists and sponsors only)

Trainings / Workshops

11 October, Wednesday

09:30 - 17:30 Workshop (Registration Required)
  “Systematic Innovation (SI) Master Class In Action” (Rectorate Conference Hall)
  Dr. Nir Ben Lavi, Global Director of Innovation, Adizes Institute, Tel Aviv

14 October, Saturday

09:30 - 12:30 Workshop (Registration Required)
  “An Introduction to IP Valuation & Monetisation” (Rectorate Conference Hall)
  Lawrence Bickers, Chairman & Alex Tame, Managing Director, Coller IP, London

12:30 - 17:30 Workshop (Registration Required)
  “Every bird flies with its own wings… but they fly further in flocks”   (Rectorate Conference Hall)
  Christopher R. Noble, Director of Corporate Engagement Environmental Solutions Initiative MIT and AUTM Board of Directors. Boston

15 October, Sunday

09:30 - 12:30 Morning Workshops (Registration Required)
  “Commercialization, competitive analysis and horizon scanning using Derwent Innovation - Clarivate’s world leading IP and scientific platform”   (Rectorate Conference Hall)
  Victor Zhukov, Intellectual Property Specialist, Middle East, Africa and Russia/CIS, Clarivate Analytics, London
12:30 - 13:30 Lunch
13:30 - 17:30 Afternoon Sessions