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International Conference on Managing Intellectual Property in Universities

Boğaziçi University’s (BU) annual “IP Management @ Universities” international conference will be hosted again at Albert Long Hall, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul this fall between 30th and 31st October, 2014.

“IP Management @ Universities” conferences are always organized in cooperation with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), a self-funding agency of the United Nations (UN) with 187 member states, European Patent Organization (EPO), an intergovernmental organisation that was set up on the basis of the European Patent Convention (EPC) which serves 38 member states, the Turkish Patent Institute (TPE), an independent legal entity of the Turkish Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology, and the Scientific & Technological Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK).

TUBITAK’s Informatics and Information Security Research Center (BILGEM), Technology and Innovation Funding Programs Directorate (TEYDEB), R & D Engineers and Managers Association (ARGE Derneği), University-Industry Collaboration Centers Platform (USIMP), Boğaziçi University Alumni Association Business Angels (BUBA) have all contributed in the preparation of this year’s annual conference, and we would like to extend our sincere thanks and apppreciation to them.

This year’s conference will focus on “University – Industry Collaborations: Best Practices”, and we are honored to have İstanbul Chamber of Industry (ISO), Pera Consulting (Pera), Thomson Reuters (TSE:TRI), Teknopark Istanbul (TI), and Boğaziçi University Alumni Association Business Angels (BUBA) as main sponsors of our conference. read more »

After Boğaziçi University Rector Prof. Gülay Barbarosoğlu’s welcome speech, ISO’s Chairman and also BU Alumnus Erdal Bahçıvan will commence this year’s conference and this will be followed by the opening remarks of the Turkish Minister of Science, Technology & Industry Fikri Işık.

The first panel is devoted to discussing international, regional and national strategies of public institutions on the role of Technology Transfer Offices (TTO) in enhancing University – Industry Collaborations.

The second, third and fourth panels will be focusing on unique cases and successful best practices, namely; Israel Experience, European Experience and American Experience. Each panel will have experienced experts and executives from the respective fields and regions.

The fifth panel which will kick-off the second day of the conference on October 31st is uniquely organized by Pera and focuses on four successful European University – Industry collaborations which were all funded by European Union (FP7 Programme and/or Horizon2020) and have all resulted in developing new Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) to be marketed for public consumption and usage. H2020 offers enormous opportunities for collaboration between universities and industry. However to turn this into commercial success for both parties, project coordinators and partners must learn how to navigate the particular context of IP exploitation in an EC funded R&D project. In this panel, Pera’s experts will illustrate this issue from various points of view: researchers, SMEs, Large Enterprises, during and after the EC project.

The sixth panel will be chaired by Istanbul Development Agency (ISTKA) and focus on four new local developments from Istanbul in enhancing University – Industry Collaborations. The seventh panel is organized and will be chaired by ISO and experienced experts from both academia and industry will discuss issues & strategies related with successful and productive University – Industry Collaborations.

The last panel will focus on Dr. Suat Genç’s I-Four Model which was introduced at last year’s “IP Management @ Universities 2013” Conference. This panel will be an update of the existing I-Four Model and panelists will be comprised of BUBA and its partners from private sector.

IP Management @ Universities 2014 Conference will be followed by University-Industry Collaboration Centers Platform’s USIMP-TTO Network special meeting where all twenty existing TUBITAK-TEYDEB funded TTOs and USIMP members will have their roundtable meetings as well as hosting a special presentation by WIPO on “IP Valuation Issues”

In cooperation with USIMP and Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM) , BU will also be hosting an AUTM training course on “IP Valuation” on the weekend of November 1st and 2nd.

This course will be conducted in English, and is based on case studies and workshops and is subject to an admission charge; and therefore registration is required. An AUTM-USIMP certificate will be issued upon successful completion. It will be quite benefitial for TTO personnel, patent attornies, lisencing executives, and researchers. Please, enroll in advance as there are limited places available!... Check the conference website’s relevant pages for both information on the course content, the CVs of the AUTM instructors and the registration process.